Simple Tips For Building A Coastal Home

So, you want to build a home on the water. For many people, this is a dream come true. However, a coastal home does come with some risks and with special precautions that must be taken. As such, as you draw up those coastal home plans, make sure you consider a few special things. If you do, then you're more likely to end up with a home that's safe, beautiful, and in line with all the required standards as well.

Consider Elevation

One of the first things you must consider when building a coastal home is the elevation level of the ground that it's built on.

Your ground or piling for building your home should generally be at least 8 to 9 feet above sea level, but in order to make that happen, you have to know where you're starting from.

Of course, some locales, such as those more prone to storms and flooding, will have more stringent requirements about the elevation level of your home. Thus, make sure you are also familiar with all local rules and laws and that you follow them accordingly. Not doing so could ultimately mean that your home is not deemed suitable for living, which could mean a lot of wasted time and money for you.

Check References

When you are building a coastal home, always ask to see a contractor's references before you make a hiring decision.

This is an important step when building any home, but it's especially important when building a coastal home. With so many rules to follow and so many special considerations to ensure your home meets safety codes, you really can't skip this step.

And, in addition to requesting references, make sure you actually follow up on them. Check to see that most of your contractor's clients are happy and satisfied with the job done and that they are currently happily living in their coastal homes, or that they at least are able to do so if they choose.

Be Prepared

As a final tip, remember that coastal homes are often smaller and have more limitations than non-coastal homes.

This isn't to say that you should settle for anything less than what you truly want, but you should be prepared for your dreams to not perfectly match reality.

By being aware that some limitations do exist when it comes to coastal homes, you'll have a better understanding if your contractor has to veto or adjust a plan and be better able to work with them to find a resolution. 

A coastal home is a wonderful thing. But, it must be approached with care and caution. And, if you can keep these tips in mind, chances are that you will do just that and still come out of the whole experience with a great home to show for it.

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