Why You Should Choose A Synthetic Penis Ring

When you're looking for an open-style penis ring to wear as a way of enhancing sexual pleasure for you and your partner, you'll often find products that are made of either stainless steel or a synthetic material. The shine of the stainless steel product might catch your eye, but you'll want to think seriously about choosing a synthetic option instead. Synthetic penis rings are available in a number of colors, so you can choose a look that ranges from sedate to wild. Here are some reasons that you'll favor a synthetic penis ring over one that is stainless steel.

It Won't Feel Cold

One of the challenges of using stainless steel sex toys is that they initially feel cold to the touch. Holding the toy between your hands or placing it under your body for a short amount of time can warm it and make it pleasant to touch, but this process can be a hassle when you're keen to use it right away. When you reach for a penis ring that is made from a synthetic material, you'll notice that it doesn't feel cold to the touch at all. Rather, it feels consistent with the temperature of the room, meaning that you'll be able to use it right away.

It Won't Bother Your Skin

There are some people who have allergies to metals such as steel. This can prevent some individuals from wearing steel watches or jewelry, for example. An allergy of this nature can result in skin irritation that can be uncomfortable. If you or your sexual partner were to have a metal allergy — perhaps without knowing it at first — using a stainless steel penis ring could result in irritation for either of you. In some cases, you might notice the irritation and suspect that you've developed a sexually transmitted infection — a scenario that can result in unnecessary stress. This won't be a concern with a synthetic product.

It's More Discreet For Travel

Perhaps you're thinking about taking a sex toy or two on an upcoming vacation. If you're flying, you need to think about discretion when you choose the products that you'll take. A stainless steel penis ring will be highly apparent at the airport when a security officer X-rays your bag — and they might even ask about this object. This would obviously be highly embarrassing. A synthetic penis ring won't stand out to the officer in the same way.

For more information about open penis rings, contact a local sex toy shop.

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